About our team
Tax nexus Experience
Tax nexus the best equipment

Attorney at Law and Accountant | Tax Partner
Mauricio leads an experienced team of professionals highly experienced in tax issues.
He is a lawyer (J.D. Equivalent) from Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), Specialist in Tax Law from Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) and an International Taxation Expert from University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He also took the LL.M. course in International Economic Law (University of Warwick, England), where he was part of acknowledged lecturer David Salter`s course on Double Tax Treaties.
He is fluent in both Spanish and English.
In the past he was part of the in-house team form companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bancolombia, Fiduciaria Bogota, the Colombian Ministry of Finance among others.
He is a contributor to some of the most important Colombian tax magazines and blogs.
Professional Experience
En el pasado hizo parte del equipo interno de diferentes entidades, tales como PricewaterhouseCoopers, Grupo Bancolombia, Fiduciaria Bogotá, Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público y la Cámara de Comercio de Medellín.
Actualmente asesora a compañías en diferentes sectores, incluyendo industrias manufactureras, sector comercio, software, tecnología, aviación, construcción, sector solidario, entre otros. Publica frecuentemente artículos y análisis tributarios en blogs y revistas especializadas.
Sus idiomas son el castellano y el Inglés. Es miembro del ICDT.

José Orlando Rivera González
Public Accountant from Universidad Santiago de Cali with a specialization in taxation and studies in international taxation at Universidad Externado and business valuation at Universidad de la Sabana.
He has extensive experience in tax aspects in national and multinational companies, as well as in spin-off and merger processes. Specialist in tax planning, analysis of tax information and magnetic media. He has participated in several tax advisory services to companies from different sectors.
Professional Experience
José Orlando estuvo vinculado en el pasado como Jefe de Impuestos en Eternit Pacífico S.A., y posteriormente fue Consultor de Impuestos en el Ingenio Central Castilla, Rio Paila y demás compañías de la familia Caicedo González (18 Compañías), por más de 6 años. Fue Gerente de Impuestos en Deloitte.
En la actualidad, como socio de la firma, asesora en temas tributarios y de precios de transferencia a empresas de sectores tales como servicios Públicos, manufacturero, construcción, servicios de salud, minero, sector agropecuario, farmacéutico, financiero y sector solidario.

Natalia Carvajal Córdoba is a professional in Industrial Engineering, with a specialization in Finance. She has accumulated valuable experience in the productive sector over the years. Graduated from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2005 as an Industrial Engineer, she later obtained a specialization in Finance from Universidad Eafit in 2010. This solid academic background has provided her with the necessary tools to excel in her field.
Professional Experience
With more than a decade of work experience, Natalia has proven her expertise in optimizing purchasing and production planning processes. Her professional career includes prominent roles in leading companies such as PREBEL S.A. and IMUSA. At PREBEL S.A., she held the position of Production Planning Analyst, where she was responsible for the administration of production plans and inventory management. In addition, she managed to maintain a 99% service level for major brands, highlighting her ability to structure effective procedures.
At IMUSA, Natalia held key positions as Purchasing Planning Analyst and Industrial Engineering Analyst. During her time at this company, she demonstrated her ability to plan the sourcing of raw materials and supplies, as well as to optimize production processes. Her achievements include a 20% reduction in raw materials and supplies inventories, which evidences her ability to efficiently identify and solve challenges related to inventory management.
In addition to her work experience, Natalia has complemented her education with various trainings in key areas such as SAP management, ISO 9000 standards, and Six Sigma for Supply Chain. These additional trainings have enriched her professional profile and equipped her with the necessary skills to face the challenges of the business world with confidence and competence.

Oscar Andrés Torres Puentes
Accountant from Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Specialist in Tax Sciences from Universidad Central and holds a Diploma in Colombian Tax Regime and Customs Law from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Professional Experience
Desde el año 2007 hasta el año 2018 fue miembro de PricewaterhouseCoopers Servicios Legales y Tributarios, realizando diferentes asesorías en temas aduaneros, cambiarios y tributarios en todos los sectores.
A partir del año 2013 lidero el área de cambios internacionales de PricewaterhouseCoopers Servicios Legales y Tributarios, participando en diferentes auditorías, consultorías y proyectos relacionados con temas aduaneros, cambiarios y tributarios.
Su experiencia de 16 años en áreas de consultoría y auditoría incluye entre otros, asesor externo en Toshiba, HP SAS; HP Ltda. y Enterprise Services, Robert Bosch, Pfizer, Hospira y Zoetis, Oracle, Cabarria IQA, Almacafe, Boston Scientific, Laboratorios Alcon y Novartis y Moviired, entre otros.

Accountant | Audit Partner
Public Accountant, graduated in 2019, in second semester of specialization in Tax Audit (Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana). I have more than 10 years of experience, I have worked as administrative assistant, accounting assistant, tax analyst and tax auditor, in the service, commercial and industrial sectors.
Professional Experience
She has worked throughout her professional career as an assistant accountant, public accountant, tax analyst, tax auditor and as head of the accounting area of companies in different economic sectors, executing and directing the entire accounting, legal and tax process of the company, the preparation and / or review of national and territorial tax returns, submission of national and municipal exogenous information, audits, and tax procedures on the website of the DIAN.

Sebastian Suarez Vergara
Accountant | Audit Partner
Highly qualified professional in accounting and tax matters. Certified Public Accountant in the year 2019, with specialization in tax legislation, he has more than 6 years of experience.
Professional Experience
He worked as an assistant in the audit division of Deloitte & Touche Ltda., where he accompanied companies of all economic sectors and sizes. He was also a senior accounting analyst at Premex S.A.S. where he was in charge of the entire accounting process and presentation of accounting and financial information. He currently leads the tax team of the company Cueros Vélez S.A.S., a company with presence throughout the country and several countries in Latin America and the United States, supporting the company in the optimization of taxes and reduction of tax risks at the national level.
Office Hours
Mon | Fry - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday - 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
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Carrera 43 A No. 5 A 113 Edificio One Plaza Business Center, Oficina 815, Medellín, Colombia
(+57) 324 6517095
Disclaimer: Any legal or tax information contained in this page is merely indicative and informative and does not give rise to an advisor-client relationship. Reproduction without prior authorization is prohibited.