Tax Nexus work areas

Our Services

Tax advice:

We provide agile opinions on the concerns that arise in the daily development of your company’s operations and the execution of your contracts.

Tax planning

Our experienced team can assist you in the process of giving legal shape to your transactions and projects in a manner that is tax-efficient.

Tax returns

We prepare or review your tax returns, and analyze together with our clients those issues that require adjustment or special care.

Tax defense

We structure, with clarity and detail, the defense arguments that our clients will use when faced with specific actions by the tax authorities and the UGPP.

Tax litigation

Representamos a nuestros clientes ante los jueces al momento de controvertir las liquidaciones oficiales y otros actos administrativos de las autoridades tributarias y de la UGPP.

Succession planning

We help families to structure the estate succession of their members in an agile and orderly manner, both fiscally and legally.


We prepare the necessary documents for the constitution and normal operation of your company, such as bylaws, minutes, amendments, shareholder agreements, regulations, among others.


We perform Fiscal Auditing, Internal Control Auditing and Compliance Auditing, ensuring the proper development of your business and the effective management of your assets. Our Financial Audit guarantees a professional and independent opinion on the reasonableness of the figures in your financial statements, providing you with confidence to make informed and strategic decisions.

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Office Hours

Mon | Fry - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday - 08:00 am to 12:00 pm

Data & Documents

Personal Data Processing Policy



Carrera 43 A No. 5 A 113 Edificio One Plaza Business Center, Oficina 815, MedellĂ­n, Colombia

(+57) 324 6517095

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